Our team

Ihre BrainAgents.
Helene Wolf
CEO / Senior Recruitment Consultant
Sabrina Hummel
Teamlead / Senior Recruitment Consultant
Ina Seiler
Teamlead / Senior Recruitment Consultant
Sandra Losberger
Senior Recruitment Consultant
Bettina Secker
Recruitment Consultant
Heike Wahl
Recruitment Consultant
Ellen Riefle
Marie Braun
Food Inspector
Feelgood Manager

About us

That's what
makes us apart.
Thanks to efficient
processes, modern IT,
and academic education
Always there
when you
need us
Trustworthy and at eye level,
this is how we work
with clients and candidates
Get the
right thing
We find minds
that match
for you

BrainAgents advisory board

A strong partner. Thorsten Schiefer had a background in the pharmaceutical/biotech, airline, and aircraft industries before settling into management consulting in 1990. He advised national and international corporate groups as well as opinion-leading medium-sized companies on sales, supply chain, restructuring, and strategy issues. In 1995, he was one of the two founders of the consulting firm BrainNet, which grew to over 350 employees in 14 international offices and was successfully sold to KPMG in 2012. Thorsten Schiefer was an equity partner before founding SlateNetwork Group in 2015. Currently, he is a member of the supervisory and advisory board and partly an investor in 5 well-known companies – from industry leaders to start-ups – and a well-connected contact in international networks of decision-makers and opinion leaders. After many years of good cooperation, Thorsten Schiefer has been Chairman of the Advisory Board of BrainAgents since 2019.

The story of BrainAgents

Starting out as Wolf Personnel Consulting, we have been finding the right brains for our clients and the right challenges for our candidates since 2011. Very successfully.

Our consulting focus

  • Purchasing / Supply Chain Management
  • Engineering / Technology
  • Distribution
  • Finance / HR
  • Production


My team and I are incredibly pleased that you have repeatedly placed us in a row with the best medium-sized business consultants in Germany. Thank you for this great compliment to our work!


How can we
help you?

Write us an email or call us on +49 171 116 2908

Write us an email
or call us on
+49 171 116 2908